If you have a computer that needs backup, then do not wait any further! In the event of a system crash or any other issue that can lead to loss of data, it's usually recommended that you have a backup just in case. However, many people aren't aware of what is available for them to back up their data. In today's post we will be going over some important features and options for a company-grade level of disaster recovery protection.In this guide I will be going over some tools and websites to help make your computer safer from potential problems while also helping with your day-to-day work tasks. First we will start with a tool called Acronis True Image.Acronis True Image – A serious backup solution for any computer!This program is great because it gives you the option to backup an entire hard disk, partitions, data and operating systems. You can also clone one computer to another; this would be helpful if you were needing to move an OS over to another machine. This is a great option for those who want a serious backup solution for their computer and I personally use it as well! The pricing is reasonable and there are different versions available depending on what your needs are. Their website also has many tutorials and guides for this program. Acronis True Image (home page)http://www.acronis.com/en-ca/true-image-home/download-linux/index.htmlAcronis True Image (software download)http://www.acronis.com/en-ca/true-image-desktop/download-linux/index.htmlNext up is an open source alternative called Clonezilla! This program is free to use and can be downloaded at their website here: http://clonezilla.org/. Clonezilla is very similar to True Image and can do the same things. It features an easy to navigate GUI menu system with several options for cloning, backing up and restoring data. The software also has some great features for larger networks so if you are responsible for maintaining multiple machines on a network this would be a great option for you! You can use Clonezilla to backup/restore images, disk partitions, disks (entire hard drives), floppy disks, CD's, DVD's and more!Clonezilla (software download)http://clonezilla.org/downloads. htmlWhen you have made a good backup of your data, it's important to have a way to restore it if needed. For this I will be going over a terrific free alternative called Clonezilla! This is a wonderful tool for both Windows and Linux, so if you are using one or the other then this would be an excellent addition to your repertoire. It can clone entire disks or partition images, restoring from one or more disk images. For those who may not know what Clonezilla is, it is an open-source backup and imaging tool. With Clonezilla you can clone entire discs, partitions or even entire hard drives! Backup options include BTRFS file system, compression and encryption.
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